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哥伦比亚大学Xiang-Dong Edward Guo讲座通知

发布时间:2012-10-22 点击数:

哥伦比亚大学Xiang-Dong Edward Guo讲座通知

哥伦比亚大学Xiang-Dong Edward Guo讲座通知

应卢天健副校长和航天航空学院邀请,美国哥伦比亚大学生物医药工程学院骨生物工程实验室主任Xiang-Dong Edward Guo教授将来我校访问并开展学术交流。



报告题目:Mechanics and Mechanobiology of Bone


Bone is one of the most clinically important components in human skeleton, which is affected by many metabolic diseases such as osteoporosis or bone loss in space. In addition, bone adapts in response to its mechanical environment. A quantitative characterization of the relationship between bone adaptation and mechanical loading and establishment of underlying cellular and molecular mechanism of bone adaptation are important in the understanding of the etiology of age-related bone fractures, optimal design of total joint replacements, and prevention of bone loss due to microgravity. In this presentation, mechanics of bone will be emphasized from both modeling and biological perspectives. Mechanical properties of trabecular bone will be examined from continuum to microstructural level. Both idealized and micro computed tomography (µCT) based models of trabecular bone will be discussed in understanding mechanical properties of trabecular bone and their clinical and biological application. Three model systems for the study of mechanobiology of bone will be reviewed: an in vivo rat tail vertebrae model, an in vitro trabecular bone explant model, and an in vitro micropatterned osteocytic network model. In the first model system, an intact vertebral bone is subjected to controlled mechanical loading while in the in vitro trabecular bone explant model, osteocytes in their native trabecular bone matrix are maintained alive in vitro and allowed for controlled seeding of osteoblasts and/or osteoclasts. Combining with high-resolution micro image based finite element modeling techniques, a quantitative assessment of mechanotransduction mechanisms involving all three types of bone cells can be examined. In the second in vitro system, 2D and 3D osteocytes networks have been developed using modern microfabrication techniques while allowing controlled interactions with osteoblasts and/or osteoclasts. New experimental findings from these new in vivo and in vitro models regarding a century old hypothesis of trabecular bone adaptation: Wolff’s Law, will be presented.

报告人简介:Xiang-Dong Edward Guo, 1984年本科毕业于北京大学应用力学系,1989年获哈佛大学工程科学硕士学位。1994获哈佛大学医学工程及医学物理博士学位。1993-1996年于美国密歇根大学做博士后,从事整形外科生物工程研究。1997年至今任美国哥伦比亚大学生物医药工程学院骨生物工程实验室主任,并从1996年至今一直与纽约长老医院的整形外科研究实验室联合保持着长期的合作研究关系。


Guo博士于2005年起担任国际期刊Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics的主编,2006年起担任Frontier in Bioscience的编委,并为与生物力学相关的其它8个国际期刊担任论文审稿人。Guo博士的研究领域主要包括骨力学、骨相容性及其细胞/分子机制、生物组织计算建模、多孔生物力学、骨微结构图像分析及细胞微图案结构的研究。迄今为止发表了52篇期刊论文,111篇会议论文,做国际会议特邀报告59次。



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