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纽约阿尔佛雷德大学 Dr. Jinghong Fan讲座通知

发布时间:2012-10-22 点击数:

纽约阿尔佛雷德大学 Dr. Jinghong Fan讲座通知

纽约阿尔佛雷德大学 Dr. Jinghong Fan讲座通知

应卢天健副校长和航天航空学院邀请,纽约阿尔佛雷德大学 Dr. Jinghong Fan将来我校访问并开展学术交流。



报告题目:Multiscale Bio-Medical Mechanics of Implants


With the advent of antibiotics and the concomitant advances in medical science, infectious diseases have become a much smaller health threat. On the other hand, as the average person’s lifespan has increased, degenerative diseases have become critical issue in an aging population. More organs, joints, and other critical body parts wear out and need to be replaced. It is reported that biomaterial-associated infection was one of the most destructive complications occurring among the millions implants/replacements worldwide done in the late 20th century. The context of the research area of multiscale bio-medical mechanics of implants proposed recently by this speaker is introduced in this presentation. Specifically, bio-mechanics background, contents and relative concepts at the following multiple scales are proposed: atom-nano scale, microscopic (micron) scale, meso- and macroscopic scale. Transitions between different scales are discussed. An energy method for how to choose the best of the best implant materials is discussed. As a result, an interest candidate of that kind of material is selected and it is confirmed by lab test.

报告人简介:范镜泓教授来自具有170年历史的纽约阿尔佛雷德大学Kazuo Inamori工程学院,担任了2004年国际异质材料力学大会(ICHMM-2004)的联合主席,并即将担任2008年该项会议(ICHMM-2008)的联合主席。范镜泓是国际期刊《International Journal of Aerospace Engineering》和《International Journal of Advances in Aerospace Science and Applications》顾问委员会的成员,同时还是包括《Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures》和《International Journal of Multiscale Computational Engineering》在内的几个国际期刊的特邀编辑。

范教授毕业于上海交通大学海军建筑学专业,并于美国辛辛那提大学航空工程及工程力学系获得了硕士和博士学位。范教授获得了包括1987年中国国家自然科学奖在内的多项荣誉,出版了《Foundation of Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics》,发表论文140多篇。范教授自1997年开始就作为USAMP/DOE项目的首席研究员从事汽车轻质材料的研究,同时还担任重庆大学材料力学研究中心(RCMM)科学委员会的主席。研究领域包括多尺度建模、本构理论、塑性、智能材料、损伤及疲劳等方面。



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