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发布时间:2012-10-22 点击数:



时 间: 2006年9月18日下午3:00



地 点: 航天航空学院强度与振动教育部重点实验室会议室(教一楼南208会议室)。

欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学参加!ティンバーランド ブーツ



Zhong You (由衷)

Department of Engineering Science

University of Oxford

Origami is the art of paper folding using geometric folds and crease patterns. With two types of folds (or creases): hill (or mountain or peak) and valley folds, and some basic geometrical rules, tens of thousands of intricate designs have been created. A detailed introduction about origin, history and technical classifications can be found on the Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origami).

People experienced with paper folding will know that many origami models become possible because of the flexibility of the paper. The origami models that can be folded and subsequently opened in a rigid manner are the subject of rigid origami. “Rigid” means that the regions of paper between folds are not allowed to bend or twist in the folding process. In other words, if the paper is replaced with sheet metal or stiff cardboard and hinges are in place of the fold lines, the mode can still be folded up. Although this topic has attracted considerable interests from mathematicians, very few engineers have worked on this area.

The talk is focused on the topic of rigid origami. The discussion is limited to straight folds only. Using the example of folding shopping bags and expandable tubes, I shall explain how rigid origami can be modelled mathematically using existing tools in the theory of mechanisms. I shall also introduce the concept of semi-rigid origami – rigid origami folding patterns with localised flexibility – and its associated mechanical advantages and disadvantages. I will end the talk with some suggestions for future research in this exciting new area.

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