主题:Recent Research Activities in ASCC Lab at Oklahoma State University
时间:2011-06-03(星期五)9:30 — 11:00
In this talk, Dr. Sheng will present the recent research activities conducted in the Laboratory for Advanced Sensing, Computation and Control (ASCC Lab) at School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oklahoma State University, USA. The ASCC Lab conducts research in the area of wearable computing, human robot interaction, distributed sensing and control, and intelligent transportation systems. This talk will give an overview of the lab facilities and the ongoing projects, as well as future research directions.
题目:Wearable Computing and Its Applications in Robotics: A Human-Centered Perspective
时间:2011-06-03(星期五) 15:00 — 17:00
As robots are getting closer to humans, one important research problem that has attracted much attention recently is how humans should interact with the robots, or the human robot interaction (HRI) problem. It is highly desired that such interactions should be natural and human-oriented, in a way similar to human-pet or human-human interactions. On the other hand, thanks to the rapid progress in MEMS and VLSI technologies, wearable computing has great potentials to be used in many human-centered computing applications. In this talk, Dr. Sheng will present his recent research in the area crosscutting wearable computing and robotics. One of the research problems is the mining of high level human context knowledge from low level, noisy data generated by the wearable sensors (motion, EEG, EMG, etc.). Therefore the focus of his talk is to use state-of-the-art wearable sensors, computers as well as machine learning algorithms to understand human activities, gestures and intentions, which can help develop more natural human robot interactions.